Our Winter Newsletter!


“No winter lasts forever, no spring skips its’ turn.” - Hal Borland 
In the final stretch of what has been a long winter season, the Team at P3 wants to thank you for your continuous support. We’re looking forward to the promise of gentler, warmer months. 

We are proud to share the Winter Edition of our newsletter, below. This edition highlights our winter programming, behind the scenes work, and the preparations we’re making for spring happenings. 

We appreciate the many ways you continue to invite P3 to work with you in your communities. If you’d like to support us financially, please consider donating to us on April 1st, for 401 Gives. 401 Gives is a fundraising initiative led by United Way of RI, that offers monetary prizes to nonprofits who receive donations on 4/01. 

Please find the 401 Gives website among the links below, and look out for more information from us about this unique opportunity. Together, we'll continue the great work we do in neighborhood parks, regional recreation centers, and other public streetscapes across Providence. 

With gratitude for your engagement, we wish you growth and healthy new beginnings in the months ahead! 

In partnership, 
Team P3

The Partnership (P3)